Men’s Health in the Workplace
Men’s health in the workplace needs to be a priority for employeers. Good employee health is good for business. If an employee is healthy, stress free and feel valued they are motivated and engaged in their work and therefore more likely to be loyal and work harder.
In the UK, 1 in 5 men die before he reaches 65 years old. In 2008 the Government commissioned a study into Health Work Wellbeing that provided evidence that improving employee health is better for business. The study looked at the number of employee health and wellness benefits including reduced levels of sickness absence, lower staff turnover and greater employee satisfaction. There was a significant return on investment once these benefits were costed against emlpoyee performance.
Many businesses do offer additional health and wellbeing services however research has shown that men, although they value the benefits as part of their employement package, are less likely that women to make use of and engage in the health and wellbeing benefits provided. This is concerning as research also shows that men spend far more of their lives in the workplace and are still almost twice as likely to work full time with men reporting lower levels fo life satisfation than women.
BDHL specilaise in implementing and managing employee benefits for businesses as well as ensuring all employees understand their benefits and know how to utilist them, should you wish to have a review of your current benefits or are looking to put in place some benefits then call the team on 01892 891900 or email